Basic objective in this project
1 - Bootup process
|_ 1'st Stage loader
|_ 2'nd stage loader
|_ Kernel init
2 - Kernel Structure
3 - Kernel internels
|_ Initalaztion
|_ klibc's
|_ Sys calls (posix sys call's , add our own)
|_ Context Switching
|_ MM(VM)
|_ Drivers(video,keyboard,floppy,hd,FS........)
|_ Symephorer
|_ IPC
|_ Ram Disk
|_ etc....
4 - Libc's ( port some of it, rewrite other)
5- FS
6 - load/link programs(a.out,elf,exe,com.......)
7- Init
8 - Kernel makeup(perforemence, security)
9 - Documentation
A- Port a Shell
B- Port basic prog
Long terms objective
1 - having a C/asm compiler to work under our OS
2 - support PROC, FAT, EXT2 FS
or maybe even develop our own FS
3 - Implement new ideas in the kernel Algorithm and give the kernel our own
4 - Network support(TCP/IP)
5 - GUI Extra kernel (GEX)
This kernel will be loadable @ runtime. it should Handel events,msgs,video
driver,API's and the actual drawing.
This might be a begging of modules :)
6 - GUI Platform
This is all the rest of the crap that runs in user mode and simply tells
GEX kernel what does it need. :) (either C++, java)
9 - Improve functionality
A - Hacking The System
B - Add new ideas to the system
C - More Documentation
Extra objective
1 -Porting Some Code to the OS
|_ Util ( dd, file, more, less, ..........)
|_ Port a Browser any browser.
|_ Daemons (i.e. HTTPD,MAILD,TALENTED ect....)
|_ Java VM
|_ Application
2 - Develop usfull simple Application GUI/Shell
3 - Migra Server
4 - Migra Daemon
5 - Modem support (ppp)
6 - Sound Support
7 - NFS Server
8 - NFS Daemon
9 - Support Threads
A - Support more hardware
B - MAN Pages (very importent)
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